Installing the Semantic Application Design Language (SADL) Version2

Last revised 02/05/2015 by A. W. Crapo.

Table of Contents

Version 2 Release History

Installation Instructions for SADL-IDE, Version 2.2.0 and Later

  1. If not already installed, install Java 1.7 from  (Java 1.7 required!). (See How to check Java Version.)
  2. Download and install Eclipse Kepler (Eclipse Standard 4.3.x) from . (Note: if unable to install the SADL update in the next step due to missing requirements, install "Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers", which will include the Xtext dependencies which are most likely the problem.)
  3. Start Eclipse Kepler, go to Help -> Install New Software. Click on Add... to create the new update site with Location and whatever Name you wish. Click OK to install SADL. Select all features, accept the license agreement, confirm installation and restart.
  4. Note that the Eclipse workspace path must NOT have any spaces or other non-URL compatible characters. If needed, switch to a different workspace on a valid (Unix-compatible) path (File -> Switch Workspace).
  5. The performance of the SADL-IDE is highly dependent upon the amount of memory available to the application. If running in a 32-bit environment, the memory available to the Java Virtual Machine is inherently limited to not much more than 1 GB and may be less. On 64-bit machines with lots of memory, the allocation to the JVM for Eclipse can be made much larger. To change the maximum memory available, edit the "eclipse.ini" file in the "eclipse" folder where you installed Eclipse. Change the line "-Xmx512m" (normal default setting) to something larger, e.g., "-Xmx4096m" (64-bit) or "-Xmx1024m" (32-bit).
  6. Optional: download the demonstration project TestSadlIde to test SADL and provide examples of many knowledge constructs.

Instructions for Updating for Versions before 2.2.0

To upgrade to a newer version of SADL open the Eclipse Help -> Check for Updates menu item. Alternatively, you may select Help -> Install New Software... and select the SADL update site.

Note: on occasion it has been necessary to uninstall a previous version of SADL or a dependent plug-in and then reinstall the newer version.

Instructions for Eclipse Download and SADL V2 Installation

  1. Download Eclipse Indigo (Eclipse Classic 3.7) from (Note that the Java EE will also work.)  (For Version 1.0.27, download Eclipse Helios (Eclipse Classic 3.6).
  2. Install Eclipse by unpacking the zip file downloaded into the desired directory. You will need Java on your computer as well. For details see the Eclipse installation instructions linked from the Eclipse download page. (Note: on some Windows systems, e.g., Windows 7 64-bit, Eclipse cannot be installed in the default location but works fine when installed on a different path without spaces.)
  3. Start Eclipse and select or create a workspace that does NOT contain any spaces or other uncommon characters in the path.
  4. If you are behind a firewall, you may have to configure proxies to be able to get to external update sites. Proxies are set under Window->Preferences from the menu bar. In the resulting dialog box, open General and click on Network Connections. If you need assistance configuring a proxy contact your system administrator.
  5. Select Help->Install New Software...from the menu bar
  6. On the resulting dialog box, click on the Add... button
  7. On the Add Repository popup dialog, copy this link to the Location text box, then press Enter or click OK.
  8. Check "Semantic Application Design Language Version 2" and click Next. Follow the instructions and accept the license to complete the installation and then restart Eclipse
  9. Go to the Quick Start Tutorial or roll your own!

Please tell us about any bugs that you encounter at

Please tell us about features you would like to see at

Debugging Inference Problems

To debug the SADL-IDE environment, use a file. A sample one may be downloaded from here. Change the output file as desired or switch to a ConsoleAppender. Add lines such as the last one in this file (without leading "#" comment indication) to control specific debug output. Place the properties file at some location, e.g., C:/java/workspace/logs. Create a shortcut to start Eclipse and add this to the commandline (with path adjusted to your file location):


After running the IDE, output from the specified packages will be in the log file and can be examined to gain additional insights into what is happening as the application runs.


See also Known Issues with Latest Release.

Demonstration Project

Demonstration of various capabilities are available in this SADL project which can be downloaded.

  1. TestSadlIde tests Open Source capabilities. For example, run the test suite AutoTests/AutoTests1.test.