Known Issues in the Latest Release of SADL
Known issues in 2.2.0
- Project-specific settings appear to not work correctly if the SADL project
already exists in an Eclipse workspace from an earlier version of the SADL-IDE.
Create workspace and perhaps a new project and copy files over. This
problem is not yet completely understood.
- While OWL concepts are supported in rules in general, there is an
unresolved issue with owl:sameAs.
- Full-text search is not working. Jena LARQ has been replaced with Apache
Jena Text, which has not yet been incorporated into SADL.
Known isues in 2.1.x.
- The rule translator will sometimes incorrectly convert a test for equality
to an assignment if the rule premise elements are joined by "and". Workaround:
don't use "and" to join rule premise patterns.
Known issues in 2.1.3 (Beta 16) and above.
- The quick fix to add an "alias" to a model name fails silently. This
appears to be a bug in Xtext, the IDE suite used for the SADL-IDE.
Known issues in 2.1.2 (Beta 15)
- While the build process, especially on project clean, is much more robust
in terms of building all resources in the right order of dependency, there is
an issue in large projects that is not well-understood that causes the
build to slow down. Consultants from itemis have been asked for help in
resolving this issue.
- Timing information for testing is not being shown and is not properly
controlled by the preference for showing timing.
- Some quick fixes that use templates are not working with Xtext 2. Awaiting
Xtext help on this issue as well.
Known issues in 1.0.25 (Beta 10):
- Templates, content assistance, and quick fixes are still a work in progress.
In particular, not all documentation and templates are updated to reflect the
use of global aliases.
- Error messages generated during build (as opposed to when a file is open
in the editor and saved) do not go to the IDE console. To see if there are
build errors start Eclipse with the -console option.
Known issues in 1.0.20 (Beta 5):
- Duplicate SADL file names (different folders) only reported to separate
console window (see last item below). Duplicate model URIs not always detected
and reported.
- Mapping issues remain requiring project clean and/or exit of Eclipse to
cause imports to be correctly resolved.
- Templates, content assistance, and quick fixes are still a work in progress.
- Error messages generated during build (as opposed to when a file is open
in the editor and saved) do not go to the IDE console. To see if there are
build errors start Eclipse with the -console option.
Known issues in 1.0.17 (Beta 2):
- Same as 1.0.16 (Beta 1), plus
- Jena built-in "print" only outputs to command console (run with
-console)--output to the IDE console not yet implemented
Known issues in 1.0.16 (Beta 1):
- Switching projects may still cause problems. If anomalous behavior is
observed please report. Workaround is to close and reopen Eclipse after
closing the previous project.
- Templates, content assistance, and quick fixes are still a work in progress.
However, you can add your own--see
Domain-Specific Templates.
Known issues in 1.0.13 (alpha 13):
- Templates, content assistance, and quick fixes are still a work in progress.
- Error messages generated during build (as opposed to when a file is open
in the editor and saved) do not go to the IDE console. To see if there are
build errors start Eclipse with the -console option.
Known issues in 1.0.11 (alpha 11):
- Templates, content assistance, and quick fixes are not complete in their
coverage. They are a work in progress.
- When switching to a different Eclipse project, it is recommended to close
Eclipse after closing the old project and before doing operations in the new
The release 1.0.8 (alpha 8). Know issues include:
- Templates, content assistance, and quick fixes are not complete in their
coverage. They are a work in progress.
- Conversion to errors in translating models to OWL to editor markers is not
complete. Some errors go unreported making it difficult to determine that an
error occurred and the details of the problem. Note that starting Eclipse with
" -console" on the command line will display a console window in which error
messages may be displayed and provide insight into problems.
Turning on Logging Output
To turn on debug or other logging output to gather more information about a
problem or to debug a custom built-in, one can specify the Logback configuration
file by setting the property "logback.configureationFile" on the command-line
when starting Eclipse.
java -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/config.xml
See for more details.