SADL Preferences

Last revised 05/10/2017. Send comments to


The SADL IDE has a number of preferences, some of which can be set at the workspace level, some which may optionally be set at the project level, and some which can only be set at the project level. The latter are also called project properties. These preferences control how the IDE behaves, how the translation from SADL to OWL occurs, and how inference is accomplished. Some of these preferences may also be used by grammars and IDE's that extend SADL.

In the Eclipse-based IDE, workspace-level SADL preferences are viewed and edited by selecting Window on the top-level menu bar and then selecting SADL in the resulting modal dialog.

Project-specific SADL preferences are viewed and edited by selecting a project in the Project Explorer, then selecting Project on the top-level menu bar, then selecting Properties, and then selecting SADL. The checkbox at the top of the resulting modal dialog box allows project-specific preferences to be enabled. Alternatively, one can right-click on the project name in the Project Explorer and select Properties from the resulting popup menu.

On the project-specific preferences modal dialog box only, if one clicks on the arrow in front of SADL to expand the submenu items, there is an option called Reasoner Preferences. Clicking on this option allows selection of the reasoner and translator to use for the project. Clicking on the name of a reasoner or translator to select it will enable the Edit button to the the left of the names. Clicking on this Edit button allows reasoner-specific or translator-specific preferences for this project to be set. These settings are preserved in the configuration.rdf file in the project's OwlModels folder.

General Preferences

General SADL preferences include the following.

  1. Base URI -- the default base namespace given to models in the workspace or project. The name of the model file is used as a suffix on this base to create the default namespace URI of a model. This default will be filled in if content assist (control-space) is invoked with the cursor after the uri keyword at the beginning of the model.
  2. Saved OWL model format -- the format in which OWL models will be persisted
  3. Show import model list as -- when content assist (control-space) is requested with the cursor located after the import keyword, the available imports can be show as namespace URIs or as file names.
  4. Show prefixes for imported concpets only when needed for disambiguation --
  5. Validate before Testing --
  6. Test/Query with Knowledge Server --
  7. Show Namespaces in Query Results --
  8. Show Timing Information (Builds, Reasoning) --
  9. Interpret Date 10/22/2012 as --
  10. Disable Deep Validation of Model --
  11. Graph rendering package and class --
  12. Check for ambiguous names --
  13. Type checking issues as warning only --
  14. Ignore Unitted Quantities (treat as numeric only) during translation --
  15. Translate disjunctive domain/range classes as owl:unionOf --
  16. Generate metrics report during project clean/build --
  17. File containing metrics queries --